Friday, October 16, 2009

Blogging where Jesus blogged

We made it to Israel after over 24 hours of traveling.  Today we checked out Caesarea, a major port in Jesus' day, and where Herod had a palace.  We are staying in Tiberias, right by the Sea of Galilee. 

After 24 hours of travel, most of us are pretty wiped out.  I managed to sleep 4 hours on the last leg of our journey, from Madrid to Tel Aviv, but I couldn't manage to sleep on the longest leg of the trip: the flight from Chicago to Madrid.  At one point I even tried lying on my back on the floor under the seat in front of me, with my feet up in my own seat, but that didn't work so well.  Probably because the emergency life jacket was pressing against my face under the seat.

One bummer: when I went through the passport check in the Tel Aviv airport, they didn't stamp my passport!  They just stamped a slip and "put me in the computer".  I wish I had noticed sooner.

The food at the hotel has been really good.  I will try to take a picture of my next plate, since that's more interesting than reading a list; the first buffet meal included hummus, eggplant, "chicken steak", tomatoes, squash, olives, jello, and a bunch of sweets.

I was going to upload more pictures, but I have 5 more minutes of internet time and no camera battery life!  Now I understand what those friends of mine on mission trips were talking about when they said their time was limited!  Hopefully I'll get to be online again before we head home, but I may not get to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safely! Definitely get some food pictures. Also, I am cracking up trying to imagine you sleeping on the floor of the airplane.
