Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fear...iously. Israel.

Last night I brought my 32" TV and PS3 over to Matt and Julie's (The Gatehood); she made a delicious meal complete with pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips, icing and candy corn; and we went into the future and into deep space on a mining vessel, where surely no aliens would attack.  Matt and I busted out Dead Space and were pleasantly surprised (except for the goriness; we decided that we prefer being scared to being grossed out).  It felt like playing through the movie Alien, complete with an interesting plot.  It's a shame Matt had to work on laundry throughout most of the game; that pesky dryer buzzer kept going off whenever it was his turn.

Tomorrow morning I leave for Israel.  We ride to Chicago on a bus, fly to Madrid, then to Tel Aviv.  I don't feel quite ready.  I don't know what to expect.  I don't know how to approach it.  I know the temple veil was torn; I can talk to God like a friend, and the Spirit of Christ lives in me.  But to be where Jesus walked, to retrace some of His steps, to be near the cradle of civilization and the cradle of God: it seems weighty because it's so visceral, so tangible.  I hope to find there fewer impediments to prayer, and from there to take home images in my mind to help me see what I read.

Someone on our trip will be updating this video blog, if you want to "follow along":

I look forward to sharing pictures and stories after I get back (on the 24th)!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, to walk the ground that Jesus walked on...amazing.
